Professional Auction Compliance Services
For the Self Storage Industry
Our Commitment to Service
Our experienced team provides a detailed review of auction files prior to a self storage lien sale. We are the first third party company in the self storage industry to provide auction audit services. We take great pride in dotting every "i" and crossing every "t" to make sure all units reviewed and approved meet the necessary lien law requirements prior to auction. Our team of reviewers are experts with their respective state's lien laws. We review each lease, newspaper ad, legal notices, file attachments and tenant phone notes looking for active military, bankruptcy status or anything else raising a red flag.
At the end of our review process we approve or reject each unit for auction with confidence.
You may ask how this benefits the self storage company. Most importantly, it reduces your overall liability in the event of a wrongful sale. In addition, it saves your company time and staff resources allowing more time for day to day operations.
Our commitment is strong. We welcome the opportunity to discuss how Northeast Auctions can support your companies auction compliance needs.